
How to cite this page (MLA): Bailey, Scott. “Colophon.” Digital Dickens Notes Project. Anna Gibson and Adam Grener, dirs. 2022. Web.

The Digital Dickens Notes Project (DDNP) strives to be minimal and sustainable, leveraging core web technologies and open standards as much as possible.

The site is built on Astro, which optimizes for serving only as much Javascript as needed and supports frameworks like React, which is necessary for Mirador. We use TailwindCSS for styling, as well as components from HeadlessUI.

We show transcriptions and annotations of the Working Notes with Mirador, which is a zoomable image viewer that leverages the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). Annotations were created in Annonatate.

Search is powered by Lunr.

The site is hosted on Vercel, and the code and annotations live on Github.